This production was dedicated to the memory of Winston Purdy (1941-2017), a beloved voice teacher in the Schulich School of Music, and an ardent supporter of the Savoy Society.


Lord Chancellor — Guy Ettlin
Earl of Mountararat — Michael Loewen
Earl of Tolloller — Feng Xiong, Gregory Muskzie
Private Willis — Jonathan Howes     
Strephon — Aaron Meredith
Phyllis — Hanna Nes
Queen of the Fairies — Olivia Barnes, Lindsay Peets
Iolanthe — Grace Bokenfohr, Sarah Gosselin
Celia — Megan Cumming, Hannah Moloshok
Leila — Sarah Webb, Charlotte Scott-Frater
Fleta — Dominique Fontaine, Hali Kremen-Hallowell
Chorus of Fairies
Irina Ghitulescu, Jayden Kang, Luyao Liu, Caeleigh MacDonald, Ella Martindale, Anita Pandey, Charlotte Paradis, Hermine Villeday 
Chorus of Peers
Philippe Courtemanche, Benjamin Markbreiter, Sebastien Medina, Michael Quinsey, Stefano Saykaly, Neel Soman, Keven Sonesaksith-Keohavong, Kevin Walker, Deszo Lovicsek, Sean Haid


Oboe — Sabrina Heffernan
Flute — Camille Malard, Michael Zappavigna
Clarinet — Emily Gray, Soon Jae Jo “Joseph”
Bassoon — Liana Starnino
Horn — Malika Pharand, Veronica Heffernan
Trumpet — Daniella Carbert, Brandon Taylor, Jesse Radz
Euphonium — Cheryl Falconar
Trombone — Aaron Willis
Violin — Madelaine O’Reilly Brown, Nigel Penney, Violet Webster, Irene Toro, Alexina Choma
Viola — Gwendolyne Krasnicki, Nicole Pagaling
Cello — Nicholas Gallant, Kelly Cooper 
Contrabass — Alexandra Jacobson
Percussion — Taylor Halperin

Creative Team and Crew

Stage Director — Roger Andrews
Musical Directors Sara Wunsch and Didier Blach-Laflèche
Producers — Marc Ducusin and Matthew McKeown
Choreographer — Coralie Heiler
Set Designer — Jean-Claude Olivier
Costume and Props Designer — Nicole Heiler
Lighting Designer — Gaspard Nahmias
Sound Designer — Emma Van Esbroeck
Makeup Designer — Sophia Chau Hoang
Production Manager — Hugo Sivov
Assistant Stage Managers — Alexander Barth and Charlise Chen
Sound Assistant — Tess Seip
Assistant Vocal Director — Xavier Gervais Dumont
Dance Captains — Charlotte Scott-Frater and Neel Soman
Graphics Designer — Cai Cheng
Videographer — Benjamin Warner

Executive Team

President — Hannah Moloshok
Vice President — Aaron Meredith
Treasurer — Adrian Nagy
Secretary — Talia Fuchs
Publications Director — Jayden Kang
Sponsorship Director — Naomi Xiang
Cast Members at Large — Charlotte Scott-Frater, Benjamin Markbreiter